
Finally, simplified wholesale management for kidswear

With carefully designed features, the LE NEW BLACK suite of solutions anticipates and addresses the challenges of B2B sales management for kidswear brands.

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In good company

These kids brands are already onboard

Display size-based prices

Create different prices for the same product, adjusting according to age group or size.

Create reorders in a breeze based on real-time inventory levels

Selling seasonal stock has never been so easy, with simplified reorder options for your buyers.

Enable shopping by assortment or group of complementary products.

This feature allows you to showcase and sell complete product sets, boosting your digital merchandising and the potential for cross-selling.

Never lose a sale with upcoming stock options

Grant your buyers advanced access by letting them choose from styles still in production.

Creating catalogs for each age group has never been so easy

Manage different product catalogs with a single click, accessible from your homepage menu.

It’s a revolution for our sales managers, agents and wholesale clients! It's seamless, practical and fresh. It's unamimous among our network: The platform is user-friendly and simple. The order taking tools are intuitive and have been adopted by everyone!

Servane Leurent


We have common B2B2C tools, and added videos for B2B in which our stylists invest a lot to tell the story of the collection and of the products. It is important to introduce our B2B buyer to IKKS universe!

Valérie Dassier


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